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Franck and Bertrand D’Haemer

Farmer/owner: Franck and Bertrand D’Haemer
Farm location: 7830 Hellebecq, Belgium
Farm name: Beau-Regard
Herd: 60 cows
Milking system: Fullwood M2erlin
Date of installation: June 2015
Franck & Bertrand D’Haemer researched various options for functionality and profitability and decided to install a Fullwood M2erlin robot. They said “the best solution in our case was the adaptation of our house and the integration of a M2erlin robot. This means we can produce each litre of milk 6 cents cheaper than we were with our former milking parlour”.
With the installation of a robotic milking system comes flexibility and more time for other tasks. Franck and Bertrand have said “for a mixed farm, flexibility is very important”.
The M2erlin robot is the first Fullwood system which has been installed on this farm. “We have invested in Fullwood for the automation of our milking. We knew the solidity of the M2erlin from visiting other robotic milking dairy farms before the installation of our M2erlin robot so we became very familiar with the operation and their potential”.
The Fullwood M2erlin robot was installed in June 2015 to milk their herd of 60 cows.
Franck and Bertrand also installed a new Packo cooling tank to complement their robot installation. They purchased the milking and cooling equipment from Bernard Dufoing, sales manager of Fullwood-Packo Wallonia, a Fullwood-Packo dealer.
“We are the proud owners of a Fullwood milking robot”.

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See how M²erlin, our automated robot, can improve milking results on your farm.

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