Space Dairy

SPACE is the world event for all professionals of livestock production: cattle (milk and beef), poultry, pigs, bovine, goats, rabbits and aquaculture.


International Fair for Animal Production.


AgriScot, now widely regarded as one of the premier events in UK agriculture, continues to develop its appeal to all sectors of the industry.


Exhibitors from all over the world present their innovations for cattle, pig and poultry farming as well as in the fields of aquaculture, sheep and goat rearing and livery yards.

Noord- Nederlandse Landbouwbeurs

The Agricultural Exhibition of The Northern Netherlands 2018 offers a wide range of activities, scoops, workshops and lectures.

RMV Hardenberg Event

LIV Agriculture Days Intensive Animal Husbandry Hardenberg is a 3 day event being held from 23 October to the 25 October 2018 at the Evenementenhal Hardenberg.