Příběhy Fullwood CS
Každá farma je jiná, ale každému farmáři záleží na tom, aby krávy byly zdravé a aby jejich dojení a chlazení mléka bylo efektivní a ziskové. Ve společnosti Fullwood CS spolupracujeme s farmáři a společně hledáme správné řešení, které vyhovuje jejich specifickým podmínkám.
Níže naleznete příběhy našich farmářů z celého světa.
Velikost stáda
Dojicí systém
Rok instalace
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: South and South West
- Installation: 2012
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Midlands
- Installation: 2011
- Herd Size: 301+
- Milking System: Rotary Parlours
- Location: Scotland and Northern England
- Installation: 2007
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Milking parlour upgrade
- Location: South and South West
- Installation: 2012
- Herd Size: Under 100
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2013
- Herd Size: Under 100
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Scotland and Northern England
- Installation: 2011
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Wales
- Installation: 2015
- Herd Size: 201 - 300
- Milking System: Rotary Parlours
- Location: Midlands
- Installation: 2016
- Herd Size: Under 100
- Milking System: Herringbone Parlours
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2016
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2015
- Herd Size: Under 100
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2015
- Herd Size: Under 100
- Milking System: Herringbone Parlours
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2014
- Herd Size: Under 100
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2012
- Herd Size: 301+
- Milking System: Herringbone Parlours
- Location: Worldwide
- Installation: 2016
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Herringbone Parlours
- Location: Northern Ireland
- Installation: 2015
- Herd Size: 100 - 200
- Milking System: Robotic Milking
- Location: Scotland and Northern England
- Installation: 2009
- Herd Size: 301+
- Milking System: Goat Parlours
- Location: The Netherlands
- Installation: 2016
- Herd Size: 201 - 300
- Milking System: Parallel Parlours
- Location: Scotland and Northern England
- Installation: 2014
- Herd Size: 201 - 300
- Milking System: Robotic Milking and Herringbone Parlour
- Location: Scotland and Northern England
- Installation: 2007
- Herd Size: 201 - 300
- Milking System: Rotary Parlours
- Location: South and South West
- Installation: 2015